Churches of Christ in Monroe County, Ohio
By David R. Kenney
With this first installment of church buildings and the congregations who worshipped there, I begin research of churches in what a dear friend Willard McPherson fondly called “God’s Country”. Now, I love West Virginia, but the place that is being referred to is a county in Ohio called Monroe County. This county is unique among churches of Christ and our nation. This has not escaped notice of some historians. For example, in Religion in Ohio – Profiles of Faith Communities it states: “In a census taken in 2000, Ohio had 428 congregations and 47,472 adherents, a term that refers to baptized believers and their minor children. Nationwide the number is 1.6 million. A majority of the churches are located in small towns and rural areas; however, some southern states have strong concentrations in big cities. Monroe County in Ohio has the distinction of being the only county north of the Mason-Dixon line more than 10 percent of whose population are members of the Churches of Christ” (page 83.)
The Glen R. Harris Restoration History Collection
My father, Warren F. Kenney, and Glen R. Harris were dear friends and fellow preachers for many years. Dad told me that he first heard Glen preach at the Woodsfield church of Christ when he was a teenager. Dad was very impressed with Glen’s preaching on a very sensitive subject. The content of his sermon was excellent, but what made an indelible impression on dad was the great kindness of Glen’s voice and tone. When dad began preparing himself for a life of preaching, he attempted to emulate Glen’s example of proclaiming the truth with all boldness and kindness.
When Glen passed away June 20, 2014, I requested permission from the family to have access to Glen’s restoration history records. Glen kept detailed records about churches in the Ohio Valley area including pictures of church buildings and various preachers he has met in his lifetime. My plan is to format these materials in such a way that a wider audience may have access to his great collection. My appreciation continually is extended to the Harris family for this privilege, one that I do not take lightly.
I intend on writing a history of the churches in this wonderful little county in Ohio which I cherish with many fond memories of my own childhood. Pictures will be provided with clear credit to the memory of Glen R. Harris. He has gathered treasure that I will attempt to exhibit for all to enjoy on
The Listing of Churches in Monroe County, Ohio

Above is a listing that Glen R. Harris had been working on for some time. (Notice his signature in the top right.) As one can see, he was still working on a complete list of congregations in Monroe County. These appear to be church buildings he personally has either visited or even preached for at one time or another. Based on the information above and the other work in his album, here is a rough listing of churches in Monroe County:
Beallsville Church of Christ
Brownsville Church of Christ
Bush Church of Christ
Cameron Church of Christ
Captina Church of Christ
Clarington Church of Christ
Creighton Ridge Church of Christ
Duffy Church of Christ
Fly Church of Christ
Goudy Church of Christ
Graysville Church of Christ
Hartshorn Ridge Church of Christ
Hines Chapel Church of Christ
Jackson Ridge Church of Christ
Jerusalem Church of Christ
Laings Church of Christ
Lewisville Church of Christ
Mechanicsburg Church of Christ
Mellott Ridge Church of Christ
Merrill Ridge Church of Christ
Mt. Zion Church of Christ
Narrows Run Church of Christ
Ozark Church of Christ
Plainview Church of Christ
Pleasant Ridge Church of Christ
Ridgefork Church of Christ
Sardis Church of Christ
Seneca Valley Church of Christ
Stafford Church of Christ
Upper Paw Paw Church of Christ
West Union Church of Christ
Woodsfield Church of Christ
Ongoing Research
Glen would remark that his collection was incomplete, and he certainly would have been too modest to publish these materials himself. Regardless, such research must begin somewhere. With this in mind, please feel free to send me any additional pictures, information or reflections about these little white churches which dot the landscape Monroe County, Ohio. Please only send copies of materials, as I will be unable to return originals to you. I will update these records as I receive additional documentation.
Collection: Glen R. Harris Papers (July 30, 1926 - June 20, 2014).
Tarunjit Singh Butalia and Dianne P. Small, Religion in Ohio – Profiles in Faith Communities, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2004.
David R. Kenney
29 Flora Drive
Bedford, Ohio 44146
Originally Published: October 11, 2015